Gingerbread Rocky Road

Spice up your evenings with these autumnal Gingerbread Rocky Roads. Ideal for those gloomy evenings when even the gym can’t tempt you to leave the house! Trust us – you’ll want to catch these while you can.
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400g Milk Chocolate
100g Dark Chocolate
60g Golden Syrup
80g Butter
225g Ginger biscuits
50g Mini Marshmallows
1 Gingerbread Grenade Bar



Add 300g of chocolate, butter and syrup in a bowl covered with cling film and melt in the microwave for 2 minutes.


Crush the ginger biscuits so they are mostly crumbs and chop up the Gingerbread Protein bar into little pieces. 


Add the gingerbread pieces to the bowl of melted chocolate along with the mini marshmallows and stir together. 


Press into a lined tin/tray and melt the remaining chocolate to pour on the top.


Top with extra decorations and then refrigerate for at least 3 hours. Once set, cut up and share!